Počet výsledkov: 4

Typ produktu
  • Make up
  • Rozjasňovač
  • Korektor
  • Bronzer
  • Báza pod make-up
  • Kontúrovanie tváre
  • Púder na tvár
  • Fixačné spreje
  • Lícenka
  • BB krém
Zloženie bez
Požadovaná značka
Požadovaná farba
  • Ružová
  • Hnedá
  • Oranžová
  • Béžová
  • Nude
{ "@context": "https://schema.org", "@type": "ItemList", "itemListElement": [ { "@type": "Product", "position": 1, "name": "Bronze to Paradise 02 Baby One More Tan", "description": "Bronzer L’Oréal Paris Bronze To Paradise zdokonaľuje vzhľad pleti a dodáva jej ľahký efekt opálenia.", "aggregateRating": { "@type": "AggregateRating", "ratingValue": 1, "reviewCount": 1, "itemReviewed": 0 } } , { "@type": "Product", "position": 2, "name": "24H Fresh Wear Jemne matný bronzer", "description": "Efekt opálenej pleti po celý deň s Infaillible 24H Fresh Wear Soft Matte Bronzer od L'Oréal Paris.", "aggregateRating": { "@type": "AggregateRating", "ratingValue": 1, "reviewCount": 1, "itemReviewed": 0 } } , { "@type": "Product", "position": 3, "name": "Bronze Please 03 Amalfi Medio", "description": "Je na čase zabudnúť na budíček a prebudiť svoju pleť do žiarivo slnečného rána!", "aggregateRating": { "@type": "AggregateRating", "ratingValue": 3, "reviewCount": 1 } } , { "@type": "Product", "position": 4, "name": "Back To Bronze Bronzujúci púder 02 Sunkiss", "description": "Je na čase zabudnúť na budíček a prebudiť svoju pleť do žiarivo slnečného rána!", "aggregateRating": { "@type": "AggregateRating", "ratingValue": 1, "reviewCount": 1, "itemReviewed": 0 } } ] } { "@context": "http://schema.org", "@type": "BreadcrumbList", "itemListElement": [ { "@type":"ListItem", "position": 1, "item": { "@id": "/", "name": "Home" } } , { "@type":"ListItem", "position": 2, "item": { "@id": "https://www.lorealparis.sk/make-up", "name": "Make-up" } } , { "@type":"ListItem", "position": 3, "item": { "@id": "https://www.lorealparis.sk/make-up/licenie-tvare", "name": "Licenie tváre" } } ] }